Thursday, July 29, 2010

Me, Myself, and Time

Today, has been a crazy crazy day. My sister Shelby is going to EFY up in Rigby, Idaho and so we had to take her to the airport. It is only her second time going on a plane, and her first time going alone. So I gave her all my airplane advise! :) Hahaha. Since I've been riding in planes alone since I was five. Awe the joys of being able to travel so much back then. :) To make a long story short, I miss my sister. But she is going to have SO much fun! I'm happy for her, and proud of her for going alone. Anyways.
I've been thinking a lot lately about a mission. I have a couple of friends out on missions, 2 of them are sister missionaries. It's got me thinking about going on one myself. Even though it's still 2 years away till I actually need to consider it, it's just something that has crossed my mind. I would SO love to be sent somewhere in Europe, or maybe Canada! Since I love both of those places.
I went to Europe last summer with my cousin Brooke. We went on a tour for 3 weeks! It was the most AMAZING experience! We started in Germany, then went to Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, and England. Oh man, it was just the greatest experience ever! I can't wait to get back there someday! I'd have to say Switzerland and London were my favorites! It was the cleanest, and they spoke English. So it was a little more convenient. :)
Here's some photos!
This is Germany. We were at the top of a ruined castle there and this was the view of the city! So pretty!

This is in Dachau. It was a concentration camp. I think that place changed my life. Me and my cousin set out and explored around the camp looking for photo ops and I stumbled across this row of trees and I snapped the picture, but when I brought it up on my computer I noticed on the tree closest to the camera there is a Jewish star etched into the bark. It made for a really good photo.

This is London, of course! And let me tell you that phone booth...STUNK! So so so so bad! That's why we were laughing so hard, it was repulsive! But made for a good memory.

Awe, the Eiffel Tower. Now that was an amazing sight. This is also the place where we spotted Megan Fox! She was going to the Armani fashion show across the street from the Tower, which was pretty stinkin' awesome. Plus the paparazzi started taking pictures of us, sadly we were all eating some pizza so we weren't really wanting pictures of us stuffing our faces!

Here is the Notre Dame, in which I was a bit freaked out. For some odd reason I have a phobia of the Hunchback. Hahaha! But it was beautiful nonetheless. :)

It was an adventure of a lifetime!

Later Days. :)

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